Monday, February 12, 2007

Wish Me Luck Or You Could Just Pray Really Hard

Well my day today has been filled with studying. I'm taking my next set of exams (hopefully the last at least for a long while) for my insurance licenses. I have two so far and I will hopefully be receiving the next two tomorrow. I'm so nervous!!! I think I'm even more nervous this time than I was for the last tests. I just don't feel like I can retain information the way I was able to when I was younger. Probably because I am trying to juggle so much all the time that I just can't focus long enough on one thing. I have so much information that I need to remember it's ridiculous! If you think of me at all tomorrow, please say a prayer that God will help me to retain what I have learned.

Our weekend was very full and therefore I got absolutely nothing done. I'm taking my exams tomorrow early in the morning so hopefully I'll be able to come home and get some things accomplished before Bubba's done with school. My whole house is a complete disaster zone and I absolutly hate that!! It always makes my anxiety 10x worse than normal.

Saturday we went out to run some errands and ended up being gone for 8 hours!!! I have no idea how the time just slipped away from us. Sunday we dropped Bubba off at the inlaws for most of the day and we went to church and then to the dinner theater. We let Bubba go to the inlaws church this week since we were going to early service (which is generally way to early for us! LOL) and they have no childrens program or nursery for the early service and he's not quite old enough to sit through the adult service yet. Going to 2nd service would have made us late for the show. Speaking of which...

The show was wonderful! I've never really been to a dinner theater like that before. They were showing Grease and it was wonderful and the food was fantastic!!

Well that's all I have for now. Actually, I have a lot more, but I just don't have the time to write it. Plus, I have noodles boiling away on the stove! See you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I know you will do a GREAT job on that exam! You're too smart not to. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers regardless ;)

Isnt it funny how a messy house can dramatically change our mood? I feel the exact same way! WHen the house is a mess, I get ultra cranky and/or depressed. As soon as it's clean again, I get bubbly and happy again. It's weird! lol
Thank goodness this week I was able to catch up on a little housecleaning. I am sure you'll get caught up too! Just remember you're not super mom! :) (that's a hard one to remember sometimes, I know!)

Anyway, good luck on your exam!