Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Have Issues!!!

OK so over the past couple of weeks I have been seeing some doctors to attempt at getting me feeling better. I was diagnosed 4 years ago with moderately severe PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, more info here.) It's really something I tend to advise staying away from! (HA! If it were only that easy!!!) As a result, I'm currently have significant problems with my weight and getting my body ready to get pregnant. I currently have about 80 lbs. that I would like to remove from my body. It will, however, be harder than going uphill 20 miles each way to school in 20 ft. of snow! Barefoot!!! (As my grandpa used to say.) Needless to say I am taking advantage of a team of medical personnel to help me accomplish my goals. While I don't need to lose all of that weight to get pregnant, it would certainly help things work a little better. So for now, I'm going to work my butt off (literally I hope!) and pray that God will bless us again with another child.

To help in this endeavor, I was put on medication that will help reduce the amount of fat that my body can absorb at any given meal. It essentially has the same effects of have gastric bypass without the invasive aspect of surgery. My weight loss also won't be quite as dramatic as a surgical patient. Unfortunately many of the same side-effects are there though. Luckily, the side-effects that I will experience will be completely up to me. If I follow my diet to a tee, then there will be very little adverse effect from the medication. If I falter, I will pay.

Right now I'm allowed 15 grams of fat per meal and no more than 50 grams per day. So I can have 3 meals and then have 5 grams for any snacks I may need or want. I am also allowed 1400 calories per day. Most important to watch is the fat intake because of the medication effects.

This week, I'm going to get both my diet plan and my fitness plan. I was told what I could have in terms of fat and calories, but the nutritionist is just going to go over everything in depth and give me some resources.

I officially began yesterday, so I'm going to weigh in weekly and see how I do. I also plan to post on here not only my progress in weight on a weekly basis, but also, on what I've had to eat for the day. I need one central place to keep all my information and what better place than here.

I also saw a psychologist too, but I'll go over that meeting later.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I know that you can make the goal, Mandie...you have always struck me as such a determined woman.. I think anything is possible with you. :)