Sunday, February 18, 2007

Weekend Success

Yesterday was a complete success at the Model Train Show. I think we could have spent all day there. There was so much to look at. Bubba was just in train heaven. He couldn't get enough and it was so great seeing him so excited. It just melted my heart. I think it's definitely going to be a yearly tradition.

I got quite a bit accomplished today which was wonderful. My house is clean. The only thing to do now is get caught up on laundry which, hopefully, I will finally be able to accomplish this week.

Tomorrow is my first day at work and honestly, I couldn't be more terrified. I hate starting new jobs. I'm not one for not being in control. I also have to get my picture taken this week for my new business cards. I am REALLY excited about that (except for the fact that I got a HUGE zit on my face which would just figure, ya know!). I've never had my own business card and this may seem funny and even shallow, but it just makes me feel important in some strange way. I only work 2 hours tomorrow and only a total of 11 hours this week. I'm starting very slowly. I want there to be as little of a negative impact on me and my family.

Tomorrow's also a big day being that it's my first weigh in since being on weight loss medication. I'm really interested to see if my hard work has paid off at all. I sure am hoping it has. I found out I have a class reunion this year in June and it would be great to go looking better than I do now. I'm working very hard to make that happen.

Well it's time to go make dinner. I'll let you know how work goes! Say a prayer for me.

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