Monday, February 19, 2007


Today was my first day at work and it went so well. I really think I'm going to love it! I was originally only supposed to be there for 2 hours, but ended up staying for 5!! I was going over several things with my boss for most of that time and then I did a couple of online training courses. I was so surprised when I was able to see my office. It's so wonderful. I have a HUGE bay window that lets in a ton of light and I even get to pick my own paint color and accessories like window treatments, paintings, etc. AND I'm getting all brand new furniture. I nice big wood desk and a comfy chair. I had no idea that I was going to be so spoiled. I can't wait until it's all ready to go.

Also, I went to get my picture taken today for my business cards. I added it to this page too since I liked the picture so well. Generally, I'm no where near photogenic, but I had a miraculous thing happen to me today... a good hair day!


Bethany said...

Mandie! You look SOOOOOOO beautiful in your picture!!!
I love it!

Mandie said...

Thanks so much! It's really not often that I'm happy with a picture of me. Hopefully in a few months I'll need to get another one because (fingers crossed) I'll have lost so much weight I won't look the same.