Thursday, February 8, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

It has been an insane week. I feel as though I haven't been able to breathe. I have been taking more classes to continue with my licensing process. As of today, I have finished the last of my classes (for the near future, at least) and will be taking my last set of exams on Tuesday. I have a lot of studying and reviewing to do before then. To start the week of though, "Bubba" came down with a nasty cold which he has still not been able to shake. He hasn't felt well enough to go to school. Thankfully my mom was willing to take care of him while I was at my class. Poor guy. My heart just aches for him when he is so miserable. Hopefully he'll be able to get a good amount of rest this weekend and start to feel a little better.

Here's my newest list of things that I need to get done between now and preferrably Saturday night.

Laundry.(I'm still not caught up!)
Wipe Kitchen Down.
Vacuum/Mop All Floors.
Pay Bills.
Dust Furniture (All Rooms)
Clean Bathrooms.

Considering the week I've had, I think I've done pretty well keeping up with the other things. I managed to even make lunches and dinners for my hubby despite not being home during meal times. It's a good thing he doesn't mind things reheated.

To end on a good note...

My parents got us tickets to a dinner theater for Sunday after church. My sister actually works there as a server (no discounts though which stinks!). Right now they are performing Grease and I'm so excited. I've never been to anything like this before!!! I can't wait.

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