Friday, February 16, 2007

I Can't Wait!

We are taking Bubba here tomorrow. I'm so excited for him. He absolutely LOVES trains in any way shape or form. In our house, "X" doesn't stand for Xylophone, it stands for Trains (because of the railroad crossing sign). There is going to be 90,000 sq. ft. of trains there. He doesn't know yet either. I only wish hubby could go, but he has to work so I've recruited my parents and one of my sisters to go along with me.

Then after work on Thursday, Bubba and I are going to Michigan for a long weekend. It's quite likely that hubby will have to work then too, but if not then he's entitled to some much needed time alone or with friends if he chooses. I have an aunt and uncle and several cousins in Michigan. We'll be staying with one of my cousin's. She just had a baby a couple of weeks ago and has a 1 year old. Her husband works nights and she's having a hard time adjusting so we are going to go give her some help and support. Her sister (another cousin) has a son that is just a month younger than Bubba and they get along so great so it will be fun to let them spend some time together too. It gives me a really good excuse to go hold a baby or two for a few days too. LOL

I have so much to do before I leave. Thankfully my sister is coming over on Monday to help me get the house all cleaned up. She gave me a once-a-month cleaning for Christmas. Then I have a few days to work on laundry and get some cooking done. I'd really like to try to leave my hubby some good homemade food so he doesn't have to worry about cooking especially if he ends up working.

I'm just so excited!!! I can hardly contain myself.

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