Monday, April 2, 2007

There Needs To Be More Time In A Day

WOW!!!! I cannot believe how time goes by so quickly. I'm always having too much to do and definitely not enough time to do it in. I'm a little scared of where my job is heading. It's very quickly turning into a full-time position which I knew was going to happen eventually--keyword there, being eventually. I'm just having a very hard time adjusting.

I think I'm going to reprogram my brain and I'm going to start tomorrow. (At least that's what I'd like to do. HA!) I'm going to attempt to get up at 5 am tomorrow. It's been so nice out that I really want to start exercising more outside. Oh who am I kidding!!! I just need to start exercising!!

Also, I really want to start spending more time with God. I was doing so well with that for so long, but starting work has thrown off my schedule and of course the first thing to go was my time with God. I've never really understood that whole concept, but I'll get into that more in my next post for simplicity sake.

I just really think I need to refocus my attention in general.

Carter has been doing so well. He is now able to sing his abc's almost perfectly. He still struggles with counting, but he can at least get to 6 on his own. He is so creative it just amazes me. I'm not exactly sure where he got that from because it certainly wasn't either of his parents. He is just such an amazing gift from God.

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