Friday, March 30, 2007

I Must Once Again Apologize

I sincerely apologize for my entries being so sparse. Work and my home life have just been keeping me so busy these last few weeks.

First of all, I have been spending a TON of time redecorating our home. Well, actually forget the "re-", I've just been decorating. We have lived here over a year now and I still had not hung even one picture. Well, that has all changed. I'm happy to say that I have nearly the whole house decorated now. We had some extra money so I invested it into beautiful things to look at. I only have a few rooms left to do. Our office/playroom is one of those. I'm doing an African theme in there and I am going to have to wait until my sister returns to Africa next year and can bring me all kinds of fun things back to finish that room. Then I need just a couple more pictures for the guest room. Otherwise, I'm all done for now. I still have some other rooms that need a little more, but those are going to wait for now.

Work has also been keeping me very busy. I worked 3 full days this week and 1 half day and I still have some things to do tomorrow also. I'm absolutely loving it though! It's so much fun and I'm finally starting to feel somewhat comfortable doing things on my own. I had a HUGE week this week and I am so proud of myself.

This weekend is going to be another crazy one, I'm afraid.

Tomorrow is especially going to be nuts. First, I have to go pick up my husband's grandma. Then we are going to a cookie walk at my church. (It's a fundraiser for next years missions trip.) After that we are going out to one of our family farms to let Bubba see the baby chicks and baby cows they just got. After that, I'm taking Grandma to lunch, then to Walmart. Somewhere in there I have to get some work done and then at 3pm I'm going to the bridal shop with my sister. She wants me to see the wedding dress she picked out. I'm so tired just thinking of all of that.

I have a favor to ask of anyone who reads this... my hubby and I have been talking some about adoption. It's very hard for me to get pregnant and we've always thought adoption would be such a great thing to do. I've always felt the calling to give a child a stable and loving home when she might not have had one otherwise. The only problem is that we have no idea where to even start getting information let alone starting the acutal process. I've seen/heard so many scary stories about people getting scammed and I'd really like to avoid that. I realize that those cases are likely the minority since it's always the bad things you hear about and very seldom the good, but I still want to be informed as well as I can be. So if any of you have any experience with this or if you know of any websites/books that could maybe point me in the right direction that would be great!!!!

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