Saturday, March 10, 2007


here I am again. My life has just gotten so crazy that I feel like I'm drowning. Between housework and regular work. I'm definitely having a harder time adjusting than I thought I would. I do absolutely LOVE my job though. I just need to figure out how to get some balance between the two. Being out of commision after my fall and then getting sick once again with a nasty cold has not helped.

I'm truly hoping that I will be able to get back to posting here on a regular basis this week. My goal is to clean at least 1 room a day in this filthy house.

If there are any working moms who read this and would be able and willing to give me some pointers, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm really looking for a system that can not only help me get my house back in order, but keep it that way too. I really need to go through my stuff and see if that will help.

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